Monday, September 21, 2020

How Much YouTube Paid Me For 1 MILLION VIEWS | August 2020

How Much YouTube Paid Me For 1 MILLION VIEWS | August 2020
Every month, I detail how much money YouTube pays me and all of the income and expenses I accrue outside of YouTube. This series was influenced by Pat Flynn's blog posts detailing all of his income and expenses from his personal and business life. My goal is to help show all of the expenses I incur in real estate investing and all of the money I'm generating. In this video, I take a deep dive into the YouTube Analytics app to show you all of the data from my channel for August 2020. My main sources of income are from real estate investing and YouTube, but I've also been accumulating money from unemployment due to my job furloughing me during this health crisis. YouTube is such a lucrative vehicle to invest in because the previous videos uploaded to a channel become passive income investments because the work has already been done and they're generating income for as long as YouTube is alive. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ How Much Money I Made on YouTube in August The answer: $9,344 Total income for the month was over $13,000. I am now consistently making around $13,000 every single month from my various sources of income. ---------- PREVIOUS VIDEOS ---------- ★ JULY 2020 EARNINGS REPORT ★ ↪ ★ June 2020 EARNINGS REPORT ★ ↪ ★ MAY 2020 EARNINGS REPORT ★ ↪ ★ APRIL 2020 EARNINGS REPORT ★ ↪ ---------- MY BOOK LIST ---------- Tags: How much YouTube,how to make money on youtube,how much money i make on youtube,youtube paycheck,youtube income report,youtube money,passive income,how to make money on youtube 2020,how much youtube paid me,how much money youtube pays me,how much money i make on youtube 2020,youtube paycheck 2020,how much youtube paid me for 1 million views,passive income 2020,passive income 2020 ideas,passive income ideas,passive income online,how much youtube pays me Thumbnail photo by Precondo CA on Unsplash
via YouTube

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